Free CeCe McDonald!

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Billy Navarros Jr. – from the CeCe McDonald Support Committee

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FEAUTRED Blog Talk Radio SHOW April 29th 2012

Thanks to the response from the 1st Show we are continuing the conversation to get the word out there about CeCe McDonald, and the injustice she and our community as a whole is facing. #FreeCeCe #GirlsLikeUs

Special Guest include:

Mara Keisling Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality

Katie Burges from the Trans Youth Support Network working in coalition with the CeCe McDonald Support Committee[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

About Author

Angelica Ross

Angelica Ross is an award-winning and Emmy-nominated Actress, Producer, Writer, Human Rights Advocate, Singer Songwriter and star of POSE and American Horror Story on FX and Broadway's Chicago. She's also the Founder of TransTech, an incubator for LGBTQIA+ Talent from marginalized communities and President of Miss Ross Inc.