April 2023 Week 1 | Preparing for N.O.W.

So much going on right now!  I just moved to Downtown Los Angeles and downsized from a 4 Bedroom home that I was using as the production headquarters for Miss Ross Inc.  Often times, especially in show-business, things change and you have to also be willing to change.  To let go.  And let go I did!  

I went through my closet and made a HUGE donation to the Unique Women’s Coalition in West Hollywood, California.  The Unique Women’s Coalition has programming that directly serves Black and Brown queer and trans folks.  In 2022, I did a collaboration with ShoeDazzle and had a TON of shoes left over from the collaboration.  I donated all of the ShoeDazzle shoes along with some wigs, unused braiding hair, cosmetic products, clothing, dresses, bags and more.

Something in my spirit was just telling me it’s time to let go.  Nothing like trying to pack up for a move that makes you realize just how much shit you’ve accumulated.  To be fair to myself, I had emptied my 3 bedroom home in Decatur, Georgia which is currently occupied by a tenant with his own furniture and moved all my stuff here to Los Angeles.  

I have gotten very used to being able to pick my life up and move at any moment.  It is a conditioning I am proud of.  I used to think my transient nature was a weakness or something to be ashamed of until I heard a quote by Mya Angelou, 

“Each of us has the right and the responsibility to assess the roads which lie ahead, and those over which we have traveled, and if the future road looms ominous or  unpromising, and the roads back uninviting, then we need to gather our resolve and, carrying only the necessary baggage, step off that road into another direction. If the new choice is also unpalatable, without embarrassment, we must be ready to change that as well.”

I am prepping to release A LOT of new music including:

a dance and hiphop remix for “ONLY YOU”“PURRR” and “G.T.L. (Cheat Code)” all in time for PRIDE season. 

I’m also trying to maintain my goal of producing 1 new beat a day (which I’m currently failing at but am giving myself grace due to me just getting settled into my new place).

Meanwhile, I am currently executive producing 2 non-scripted shows for Television, and in pre-production for one feature length film that I am executive producing and starring in.  

I am also executive producing and starring in an animation series called “Captain Zero” that focuses on mental health thru the lens of our Black male super hero.  I play the therapist of the super hero.  I am honored to have acting legends like Keith David join us on this groundbreaking project.  

It has been quite a surreal experience to be in zoom calls with industry giants like Bunim/Murray and other Hollywood powerhouses that I have admired and am now collaborating with.  

I am sharing all of this here with you and nowhere else.  I am EXTREMELY busy and many things I’m working on I can’t really talk about publicly.  Social medial makes many of us feel like we have to be showing a productive front at all times.  It’s exhausting and I’m resigning from that rat race.  It’s my hope that I will be able to take back the reigns and respond at my own pace even when urgency is apparent.  I want to be more intentional about my engagement, especially when the engagement on my social media platforms is so heavily manipulated and suppressed.  I have 450,000 followers on Instagram, and Instagrams analytics show me time and time again that they are only showing my content to a tiny fraction of my following.  I’m talking about one one post it had only shared it to a couple hundred of my followers.  Yet I am bombarded with ads from those platforms to pay for advertising to my following.  This should be illegal and I hope eventually someone looks into this.

In the meantime, I am focused on turning the tide for myself and hopefully for others as well.  This brings me to other major development we are working on for this year which is returning to the podcast space with “N.O.W. – No Opportunity Wasted with Angelica Ross”.  A podcast all about making the most out of the challenges and opportunities we are faced with in our daily lives both individually and collectively as a global society.  We are currently in the early pre-production stages, but I will also be sharing details as this develops more.  Until then, take care of yourself and make the most out of your opportunities today.

About Author

Angelica Ross

Angelica Ross is an award-winning and Emmy-nominated Actress, Producer, Writer, Human Rights Advocate, Singer Songwriter and star of POSE and American Horror Story on FX and Broadway's Chicago. She's also the Founder of TransTech, an incubator for LGBTQIA+ Talent from marginalized communities and President of Miss Ross Inc.